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I'm the problem

I'm the problem

Regular price $37.99 USD
Regular price $37.99 USD Sale price $37.99 USD
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It's me, hi! I'm the problem,ย it's me.

-Taylor Swift ๐ŸŽ„

These are made in house and made with silk screen transfers. Unless specified, we use unisex tees and sweatshirts. Our most common brands that we use are Gildan Softstyle (64000) or Bella Canvas (3001C or 3001CVC) for our tees and Gildan for our crewneck (18000) or hoodies (18500). We do substitute out for other brands as needed for colors/style due to availability or stock. This might cause slight variations in colors. If you have a preference as to a brand, please let us know prior to your purchase and we will let you know if we are able to accommodate that.

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